Clark Howard issues warning about debt collectors amid recent round of stimulus checks

With stimulus checks continuing to go out as part of the recent American Rescue Plan, WOKV’s Consumer Warrior Clark Howard says you need to be on guard for debt collectors.

“.... as we move through the year and the economy recovers, that’s when the debt collectors are going to be present in people’s lives that owe money,” warns Howard.

He says when this happens, it’s important to know your rights.

Howard says this does not mean you don’t owe the money or that you can’t be sued, but it does protect you from potentially feeling harassed.

“The key thing for you to know is you have the right under the law to tell a collector they can’t contact you any further. You have to write them and tell them to leave you alone,” says Howard.

Get more consumer news and advice from Clark Howard in his latest on-demand podcasts.