Local Syrian favors diplomacy over bombs

A local Syrian man is telling WOKV why he thinks the United States is wasting effort and tax dollars on a potential military strike on Syria.

“There is no business for the United States to go policing and spending my and your tax dollars on weapons that are not gonna do anything,” says Wajeeh Demetree.

He says the “million dollar question” is what will happen if Syria and its allies decide to retaliate.

“What is it gonna lead to?” he asks.

Demetree favors a diplomatic solution, and says it’s the only way other than “using arms and wasting American life on this.”

“If you put the right pressures and sit down with the right powers – China, Russia and Syria’s allies in the region - they will find a solution.  I am almost positive.”

Demetree says he has friends and family living back home in Syria right now, and he’s worried about them.

“Business is down to a minimum, and therefore they lost their means of income, many of them.”

On Wednesday, a reported terrorist attack on a power line caused major power outages in Syria.  Demetree says many of his folks there are without air conditioning.

“It is not easy,” he says.  “Even staying home is hell.”

Demetree says he wants the people of Jacksonville to talk to their representatives.

“We do not need more American lives to be wasted on this.  There is no reason for going to war.  All we need is peace, peace and peace.  Let them all pray for peace.”