Your Republican representatives divided on shutdown deal

Two Northeast Florida representatives in the House divided on the deal passed by Congress to end the partial government shutdown and raise the federal debt ceiling.

Republican Congressman Ted Yoho voted against the Senate-derived plan, while Republican Congressman Ander Crenshaw voted for it.

“It’s not addressing the underlying problem of the country of why we’re here, and that’s our spending,” Rep. Yoho tells WOKV.  “And we’re not having enough revenue by job growth, and that’s because government is in the way of job growth.”

Yoho says while most of Congress wanted the ObamaCare medical device tax repealed, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid didn’t like the idea and got his way.

“It was his show and he was gonna run it,” Yoho says.  “And again I think that’s a very dangerous situation – to have somebody that yields that much power.”

Congressman Ander Crenshaw tells WOKV the deal isn’t everything he wants, but it gives Congress three more months to enact serious structural reforms to control spending.

“I hope during this three month period that some positive steps are going to be taken,” he says.

Crenshaw says the bottom line is that Washington D.C. spends too much money, and he hopes this government shutdown will lead Congress in the direction of structural reforms.  Number one on his list of spending reform: entitlements.

“Because that’s where all the money is,” he says.  “And I think we’ll always continue to believe that ObamaCare is not good for this country,” Crenshaw says.

He says whether or not Republicans will try again to defund ObamaCare remains to be seen.